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Is God the Executioner?

firstly let a list be made of what some would call counter-statements. In reality they are not and cannot be counter-statements for there is...

Monday, December 24, 2012

God wants to remake you


Check out the link for the video God wants to remake you

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Is the bible in harmony with itself?

Miller publicly professed his faith in the religion which he had despised. But his infidel associates were not slow to bring forward all those arguments which he himself had often urged against the divine authority of the Scriptures. He was not then prepared to answer them; but he reasoned that if the Bible is a revelation from God, it must be consistent with itself; and that as it was given for man’s instruction, it must be adapted to his understanding. He determined to study the Scriptures for himself, and ascertain if every apparent contradiction could not be harmonized. – {GC 319.3}

Endeavoring to lay aside all preconceived opinions, and dispensing with commentaries, he compared scripture with scripture by the aid of the marginal references and the concordance. He pursued his study in a regular and methodical manner; beginning with Genesis, and reading verse by verse, he proceeded no faster than the meaning of the several passages so unfolded as to leave him free from all embarrassment. When he found anything obscure, it was his custom to compare it with every other text which seemed to have any reference to the matter under consideration. Every word was permitted to have its proper bearing upon the subject of the text, and if his view of it harmonized with every collateral passage, it ceased to be a difficulty. Thus whenever he met with a passage hard to be understood he found an explanation in some other portion of the Scriptures. As he studied with earnest prayer for divine enlightenment, that which had before appeared dark to his understanding was made clear. He experienced the truth of the psalmist’s words: “The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.” Psalm 119:130. – {GC 320.1}

When we meet contradicting statements in the bible we are to do like William Miller, ok compare the whole bible to itself to arrive at truth. They are apposing statements in the bible that seem to teach different things. When we meet these statements we establish the principle and allow the principle to determine the meaning of a passage.

God is in unchanging and unchangable, therefore if we know who God is it is easy to understand the difficult passages.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We need prayer power

We need prayer power

The experience of the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane contains a lesson for the Lord's people today.... They did not realize the necessity of watchfulness and earnest prayer in order to withstand temptation. Many today are fast asleep, as were the disciples. They are not watching and praying lest they enter into temptation. Let us often read and give careful study to those portions of God's Word that have special reference to these last days, pointing out the dangers that will threaten God's people.—(In Heavenly Places, 97.) – {Pr 18.1}

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