Harvard study: Pasteurized milk from industrial dairies linked to cancer
Monday, February 27, 2012 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
(NaturalNews) The truth has once again shaken the foundation of the 'American Tower of Babel' that is mainstream science, with a new study out of Harvard University showing that pasteurized milk product from factory farms is linked to causing hormone-dependent cancers. It turns out that the concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) model of raising cows on factory farms churns out milk with dangerously high levels of estrone sulfate, an estrogen compound linked to testicular, prostate, and breast cancers.
Dr. Ganmaa Davaasambuu, Ph.D., and her colleagues specifically identified "milk from modern dairy farms" as the culprit, referring to large-scale confinement operations where cows are milked 300 days of the year, including while they are pregnant. Compared to raw milk from her native Mongolia, which is extracted only during the first six months after cows have already given birth, pasteurized factory milk was found to contain up to 33 times more estrone sulfate.
Evaluating data from all over the world, Dr. Davaasambuu and her colleagues identified a clear link between consumption of such high-hormone milk, and high rates of hormone-dependent cancers. In other words, contrary to what the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the conventional milk lobby would have you believe, processed milk from factory farms is not a health product, and is directly implicated in causing cancer.
"The milk we drink today is quite unlike the milk our ancestors were drinking" without apparent harm for 2,000 years, Dr. Davaasambuu is quoted as saying in the Harvard University Gazette. "The milk we drink today may not be nature's perfect food."
Meanwhile, raw, grass-fed, organic milk from cows milked at the proper times is linked to improving digestion, healing autoimmune disorders, and boosting overall immunity, which can help prevent cancer. Though you will never hear any of this from the mainstream media, all milk is not the same -- the way a cow is raised, when it is milked, and how its milk is handled and processed makes all the difference in whether or not the end product promotes health or death.
American government seeks to further perpetuate the lie that all milk is the same with egregious new provisions in 2012 Farm Bill
Of particular concern are new provisions in the 2012 Farm Bill that create even more incentives for farmers to produce the lowest quality, and most health-destroying, type of milk possible. Rather than incentivize grazing cows on pastures, which allows them to feed on grass, a native food that their systems can process, the government would rather incentivize confined factory farming methods that force cows to eat genetically-modified (GM) corn and other feed, which makes them sick.
As it currently stands, the government already provides incentives for farmers to stop pasturing their animals, instead confining them in cages as part of a Total Confinement Dairy Model, aka factory farms. But the 2012 Farm Bill will take this a step further by outlawing "component pricing" for milk, which involves allowing farmers to sell milk with higher protein and butterfat at a higher price.
Allowing farmers to sell higher quality milk at a higher price provides an incentive for them to improve the living conditions on their farms, and milk better cow breeds. But the U.S. government would rather standardize all milk as being the same, and create a system where farmers continue to produce cancer-causing milk from sick cows for the millions of children to drink.
To learn more, visit:
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/035081_pasteurized_milk_cancer_dairy.html#ixzz1o5Bh5pPU
Facebook spies on phone users' text messages, report says
Published February 26, 2012
LONDON – Internet giant Facebook is accessing smartphone users' personal text messages, an investigation revealed Sunday.
Facebook admitted reading text messages belonging to smartphone users who downloaded the social-networking app and said that it was accessing the data as part of a trial to launch its own messaging service, The (London) Sunday Times reported.
A spokesman for Facebook says while nothing has been launched yet, users will be prompted to give permission when the feature debuts.
"The permission is clearly disclosed on the app page in the Android marketplace and is in anticipation of new features that enable users to integrate Facebook features with their texts," a spokesman for Facebook said in a statement. "However, other than some very limited testing, we haven't launched anything yet so we're not using the permission.
Other well-known companies accessing smartphone users' personal data -- such as text messages -- include photo-sharing site Flickr, dating site Badoo and Yahoo Messenger, the paper said.
It claimed that some apps even allow companies to intercept phone calls -- while others, such as YouTube, are capable of remotely accessing and operating users' smartphone cameras to take photographs or videos at any time.
Security app My Remote Lock and the app Tennis Juggling Game were among smaller companies' apps that may intercept users' calls, the paper said.
Emma Draper, of the Privacy International campaign group, said, "Your personal information is a precious commodity, and companies will go to great lengths to get their hands on as much of it as possible."
More than 400,000 apps can be downloaded to Android phones, and more than 500,000 are available for iPhones -- with all apps downloaded from Apple's App Store covered by the same terms and conditions policy.
According to a YouGov poll for the newspaper, 70 percent of smartphone users rarely or never read the terms and conditions policy when they download an app.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/02/26/facebook-spies-on-phone-users-text-messages-report-says/#ixzz1o0iUUpYz
‘Trespass Bill’ Would Violate Peaceful Assembly Rights
New bill passed by Congress makes it a felony to protest or assemble nearby protected government officials
by John Glaser, February 28, 2012
The House of Representatives approved a bill on Monday that outlaws protests or civilian intrusions in any area where government officials are nearby, tearing away at the First Amendment right to peaceably assemble.
The new legislation would make it a federal offense for anyone to protest or assemble without permission on grounds where the Secret Service is protecting a government official or any building or grounds “restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance.”
The language of the bill is incredibly broad and open to the interpretation of prosecutors. Starting with making it illegal to trespass on the grounds of the White House, the grounds or buildings included as off-limits even cover those that the President – or whatever other official protected by the Secret Service – is residing temporarily. It would even include a peaceful protest outside a presidential candidate’s concession speech, for example.
Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) was one of only three in the House to vote against the bill. On his official Facebook account on Tuesday, Rep. Amash wrote, “The bill expands current law to make it a crime to enter or remain in an area where an official is visiting even if the person does not know it’s illegal to be in that area and has no reason to suspect it’s illegal.”
“Some government officials may need extraordinary protection to ensure their safety. But criminalizing legitimate First Amendment activity — even if that activity is annoying to those government officials — violates our rights,” he added.
The bill already passed the Senate on February 6 and has only to be signed by President Obama to become law. The government already has inordinate ability to crush free speech, silence protesters, and arrest civilians peacefully assembling, but this legislation would mark the beginning of the end of the First Amendment.
Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex cop
Wants to import homosexuals with special asylum privileges
Read more:Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex cophttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=375277#ixzz1g7iYsXW3
The Obama administration has announced it intends to make the United States the global sex cop, with plans to try to intervene in the workings of other nations where homosexuality is not promoted as well as plans to create special provisions for homosexuals and those with other lifestyle choices to gain special admittance to the U.S.
Among the provisions is a specific call for the U.S. government to "enhance" its work to provide services to "LGBT refugees and asylum seekers."
"Who knew when Reagan was talking about being a shining city on the hill the city would turn out to be Sodom," said Peter LaBarbera, president ofAmericans for Truth,an Illinois organization active in revealing the truth of homosexuality.
The White House statementis called the Presidential Memorandum – International Initiatives to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons.
In the introduction to the multi-section document, Obama explains that he's already instructed agencies "engaged abroad" to start "taking action to promote the fundamental human rights of LGBT persons everywhere."
Specifically, his plan is to try to intervene in other nation's where the homosexual lifestyle choice is at risk. That would happen through U.S. government's agencies that would "strengthen existing efforts to effectively combat the criminalization by foreign governments of LGBT status or conduct and to expand efforts to combat discrimination, homophobia, and intolerance on the basis of LGBT status or conduct."
Further, special access to the United States needs to be provided to any "LGBT" person, Obama explains.
"In order to improve protection for LGBT refugees and asylum seekers at all stages of displacement, the Departments of State and Homeland Security shall enhance their ongoing efforts to ensure that LGBT refugees and asylum seekers have equal access to protection and assistance," Obama wrote.
He explained that federal workers must be trained to help LGBT members in their desires.
The enhancements the U.S. offers for those who support the alternative sexual lifestyle choices also means that those agencies helping with foreign aid should step up their involvement with LGBT interests and a special "standing group" should be organized to make sure the U.S. is responding as he wants, Obama said.
Also, the State Department and other agencies "should strengthen the work they have begun and initiate additional efforts in these multilateral fora and organizations to … counter discrimination on the basis of LGBT status; broaden the number of countries willing to support and defend LGBT issues" and other outreaches.
The statement from Obama came just a day after his press secretaryrefused to answer a questionabout the appropriateness of a Senate vote to remove the ban on bestiality from the law that governs the nation's military.
Those who have been involved in the confrontations over the demands for "rights" from homosexual and other groups in America said the move is extraordinarily inappropriate.
"America is not being a post-Christian nation. … We're anti-Christian. We're directly at war with Judeo-Christian ethics," LaBarbera told WND. "Also [at war with] Muslims and the ethics in other countries. We're turning human history on its head."
He said Obama, and his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, literally are "redefining sin."
"In all of the colonies, through our whole history, homosexuality has been forbidden," he said. "Now all of a sudden we're going to be lecturing other countries, forcing other nations to follow the new-fangled version of human rights."
He said regarding Obama press secretary Jay Carney's handling of the question about military bestiality, the very things that have been said about homosexuality and rights could apply to bestiality and rights, or pedophilia and rights, or other alternative lifestyle choices and rights.
"On what basis," he asked, "can we say [pedophilia or bestiality are] beyond the pale?
NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, he noted, used to walk in "gay pride" parades.
"Human rights are rooted in biblical, Judeo-Christianity's idea of rights," LaBarbera said. "This is unbelievable. They are twisting what human rights are. If there's a right to homosexual behavior, why isn't there a right to polygamy, adultery, incest?"
Randy Thomasson ofSaveCalifornia.comhas been involved in his state's fights over the indoctrination of sexual alternatives in public schools as well as the fight over the voter-approved constitutional amendment that defines marriage as being only between one man and one woman.
He said the promotion by Obama and Hillary Clinton of homosexuality simply isn't rooted in the facts.
"Homosexuality has never shown evidence that it is inherited, or has a genetic or biological origin. The 'gay gene' doesn't exist. Race and ethnicity are inherited, but homosexuality is not inherited," he said.
"Obama and Hillary Clinton need to take a science course on human sexuality and genetics and learn what they think is right is scientifically wrong," he said.
He said the classification of homosexuality as a "right" is a "fatal error" that threatens children, accurate science, good health, real marriage, religious freedom, free speech and property rights.
He's assembled information about homosexuality and releases it through his NotBornThisWay website. He contends homosexuality is not genetic, nor is it healthy. His site also includes offers of assistance for those struggling to leave homosexuality.
Matt Barber of Liberty Counseltold WND, "How dare we, the U.S., export our decline in morality to other nations. This president has brought shame upon our nation by using extortion. I use a strong word there, extortion, in an attempt to compel other nations to adopt every demand of the radical homosexual lobby."
He noted the urgency of Obama's concern about homosexuals under fire around the world, yet notes that it is Christian men, women and children who are "slaughtered" daily under anti-Christian regimes.
It was GOP presidential hopeful and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., who said the vote in the Senate to repeal the military's ban on sodomy and bestiality was "absolutely abhorrent."
She made the comments last night on Glenn Beck'sWeb television program.
Les Kinsolving, WND's correspondent at the White House, had asked press secretary Jay Carney, "The Family Research Council and CNS News both reported a 93-to-7 U.S. Senate vote to approve a defense authorization bill that, quote, 'includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on sex with animals, or bestiality.' Does the commander in chief approve or disapprove of bestiality in our armed forces?"
Carney said, "I don't have any comment on – I don't have any comment on that. Let me go to another question."
See the exchange that happened at the White House:
Kinsolving tried to ask whether the president thought it would be endorsed by animal support groups, and Carney said, "Let's get to something more serious."
Read more:Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex cophttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=375277#ixzz1g7hz7W00
Hillary Clinton: ‘Religious Beliefs’ Are ‘Standing in the Way of Protecting Human Rights of LGBT People'
(CNSNews.com) - Religious beliefs and cultural values do not justify the failure to uphold the human rights of homosexuals, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the United Nations in Geneva on Tuesday.
"Now, raising this issue, I know, is sensitive for many people and that the obstacles standing in the way of protecting the human rights of LGBT people rest on deeply held personal, political, cultural, and religious beliefs," Clinton said.
Her speech at the Geneva headquarters of the United Nations and its Human Rights Council (HRC) was delivered ahead of Human Rights Day on December 10, the anniversary of the U.N.’s adoption in 1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
With Syrian abuses having been at the forefront of the Human Rights Council’s attention in recent days and weeks, Clinton’s focus on “LGBT rights” was unexpected, even after President Obama’s signing earlier in the day of a memorandum which the White House called the “first-ever U.S. government strategy dedicated to combating human rights abuses against LGBT persons abroad.” (See story)
Clinton said recognition that LGBT people "are entitled to the full measure of dignity and rights" has evolved over time: "And as it did, we understood that we were honoring rights that people always had, rather than creating new or special rights for them. Like being a woman, like being a racial, religious, tribal, or ethnic minority, being LGBT does not make you less human. And that is why gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights."
Clinton noted that among the challenges facing LGBT people is "when people cite religious or cultural values as a reason to violate or not to protect the human rights of LGBT citizens. This is not unlike the justification offered for violent practices towards women like honor killings, widow burning, or female genital mutilation. Some people still defend those practices as part of a cultural tradition. But violence toward women isn't cultural; it's criminal. Likewise with slavery, what was once justified as sanctioned by God is now properly reviled as an unconscionable violation of human rights," she said.
"In each of these cases, we came to learn that no practice or tradition trumps the human rights that belong to all of us. And this holds true for inflicting violence on LGBT people, criminalizing their status or behavior, expelling them from their families and communities, or tacitly or explicitly accepting their killing.
"Rarely are cultural and religious traditions and teachings actually in conflict with the protection of human rights," Clinton continued. "Indeed, our religion and our culture are sources of compassion and inspiration toward our fellow human beings. It was not only those who’ve justified slavery who leaned on religion, it was also those who sought to abolish it. And let us keep in mind that our commitments to protect the freedom of religion and to defend the dignity of LGBT people emanate from a common source.
“For many of us, religious belief and practice is a vital source of meaning and identity, and fundamental to who we are as people. And likewise, for most of us, the bonds of love and family that we forge are also vital sources of meaning and identity. And caring for others is an expression of what it means to be fully human. It is because the human experience is universal that human rights are universal and cut across all religions and cultures."
According to the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, homosexual acts are punishable by death in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Mauritania, Sudan and Yemen, as well as in parts of Nigeria under shari’a law.
Countries whose laws allow for imprisonment of 10 years or more for homosexuality include Libya, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea and Guyana, it says.
A number of other countries have penalties of prison terms of less than ten years, fines or other restrictions.
‘At war with people of faith’
During a background briefing in Geneva, a senior State Department official was asked about the administration’s view on same-sex marriage in the context of its new policy of promoting LGBT rights worldwide.
President Obama and Clinton have both stated publicly that they oppose same-sex marriage.
“I think the secretary and the president have both spoken about their personal views on marriage,” the official replied. “And I think that one of the things that comes up a lot in the international context is that, as in America, elsewhere there’s a ongoing debate about gay marriage.
“But whatever our position on gay marriage, I think one of the things that many of us have been working toward finding an agreement on is the fact that no matter what you think about that question, we can all agree that people ought not be killed or imprisoned for who they are and who they love,” the official said.
Republican presidential candidates Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Sen. Rick Santorum both criticized the administration’s LGBT announcements.
“Promoting special rights for gays in foreign countries is not in America’s interests and not worth a dime of taxpayers’ money,” Perry said in a statement, adding that the policy was “just the most recent example of an administration at war with people of faith in this country.”
“Obviously the administration is promoting their particular agenda in this country, and now they feel its their obligation to promote those values not just in the military, not just in our society, but now around the world with taxpayer dollars,” CNN quoted Santorum as telling reporters in Iowa
He said Obama must make his stance on same-sex marriage clear.
“He said he’s for traditional marriage, and now he’s promoting gay lifestyles and gay rights and he’s fighting against traditional marriage within the courts, and I think he needs to be honest,” Santorum said.
Campaign warns of danger to kids inschools!
'We are urging parents to come to grips with reality, rescue their children'
Posted: November 24, 2011
1:00 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND
A campaign is urging California parents to protect their children by removing them from school because of the dangers posed by a new law that teaches homosexuality is natural and good.
The campaign bySaveCalifornia.comagainst the law, which is scheduled to be enacted in January, is "working right now to alert fathers and mothers about the harmful values targeting their boys and girls."
"In the face of this clear and present danger, we have the only real solution. With a heart for God and families, we are urging parents to come to grips with reality, then rescue their children from immoral schools," it says.
Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, which also operates theRescueYourChild.comwebsite that provide specifics about the issue, has been expressing alarm over the waves of activism in California's schools regarding homosexuality and other alternative sexual lifestyles for more than a decade.
It was in 1999, he reports, that Gov. Gray Davis signed into law AB 537, which allowed teachers and students to use their school day to proclaim openly and display their homosexuality, bisexuality or transsexuality. Included in that expression of "rights" was the ability of cross-dressing teachers and school workers to access the restroom of their choice.
The proverbial straw that broke the camel's back is SB 48, which was signed into law this year by Gov. Jerry Brown. It mandates that all children from kindergarten through 12th grade in all "instruction in social sciences" be taught to admire "the role and contributions … of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans."
The law requires that supplemental materials must start to reflect the political persuasion that only positive reflections of homosexuality and the like are allowed.
"Children as young as 6 years old will be taught to admire homosexuality, same-sex 'marriages,' bisexuality and transsexuality (cross-dressing and 'sex change' operations)," the campaign warns.
Children also will be taught to support the political activism of so-called "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning" (LGBTIQ) political groups, as the bill requires "particular emphasis on portraying the role of these groups in contemporary society."
The texts also will be mandated to portray homosexuality in a positive light, because remaining silent on the issue could be perceived as "reflecting adversely," the campaign notes.
And parents will neither be notified of the teaching requirements nor allowed to opt their children out of such indoctrination, Thomasson's campaign explains.
The new law's impact is approaching even as the Los Angeles Times is reporting that a 14-year-old boy will be jailed until he is 38 for shooting a self-identified homosexual classmate. The shooting victim's mother had asked school officials to help her tone down her son's behavior. But she was told her son had a civil right to explore his sexuality.
"I knew, gut instinct, that something serious was going to happen," she said. "They should have contained him, contained his behavior."
The report said students and teachers at the trial testified that Larry King, the shooting victim, had been cross-dressing and wearing makeup, and was flirting with male students on campus who did not want the attention.
One message from the campaign is a rotating banner posted online, with the message:

Thomasson points out that SB 48 is just the latest California law "mandating the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda – as well as heterosexual fornication – in every government school in California without exceptions, and without parental exemption."
The mandates have come even while "three out of four 4th graders in California government schools cannot read proficiently."
SB48 was pushed through the Democrat-controlled state legislature..
Previous moves were made through:
- SB 543, signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2010, "allows school staff to remove children ages 12 and up from government schools and taken off-campus for counseling sessions, without parental permission or involvement. The purpose is to permit pro-homosexuality teachers and administrators to remove sexually confused children in 6th grade and up from campus and take them to pro-homosexuality counselors who will encourage them to embrace the homosexual lifestyle."
- ACR 82, approved by the California Legislature in 2010, "creates de facto 'morality-free zones' at participating schools (pre-kindergarten through public universities). Schools that become official 'Discrimination-Free Zones' will 'enact procedures' (including mandatory counseling) against students from pre-kindergarten on up who are accused of 'hate,' 'intolerance,' or 'discrimination'." What is the hate? Peacefully speaking or writing against the unnatural lifestyles choices of homosexuality and bisexuality.
- SB 572, signed by Schwarzenegger in 2009, establishes "Harvey Milk Day" in K-12 California public schools and community colleges. In classrooms, schools and school districts that participate, children will now be taught to admire the life and values of late homosexual activist and teen predator Harvey Milk of San Francisco the month of May.
- SB 777, signed by Schwarzenegger in 2007, prohibits all public school instruction and every school activity from "promoting a discriminatory bias" against (effectively requiring positive depictions of) transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality to schoolchildren as young as five years old. SB 777 means children will be taught their "gender" is a matter of choice.
- AB 394, signed by Schwarzenegger in 2007, effectively promotes transsexual, bisexual and homosexual indoctrination of students, parents and teachers via "anti-harassment" and "anti-discrimination" materials, to be publicized in classrooms and assemblies, posted on walls, incorporated into curricula on school websites, and distributed in handouts to take home.
- SB 71, signed by Gov. Gray Davis in 2003 and implemented in 2008 through the new "sexual health" standards approved by appointees of Schwarzenegger and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell, teaches children as young as 5th grade that any consensual sexual behavior is "safe" as long as you "protect" yourself with a condom, and teaches children that homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality is "normal."
- AB 1785, signed by Davis in 2000, required the California State Board of Education to alter the state curriculum frameworks to include and require "human relations education" for children in K-12 public schools, with the aim of "fostering an appreciation of the diversity of California’s population and discouraging the development of discriminatory attitudes and practices," according to the state legislative counsel's digest.
- AB 537, signed by Davis in 1999, permits teachers and students to openly proclaim and display their homosexuality, bisexuality or transsexuality, even permitting cross-dressing teachers, school employees and student on campus, in classrooms, and in restrooms.
The campaign recommends homeschooling or private schools – preferably church schools. Does it cost? Yes, but it says that with anything in life, there is a cost.
"There's a battle for your child, Whoever fights harder will win," Thomasson said.
SB48 takes the state even a step beyondits demand that students in public schools every year honor Harvey Milk,a homosexual activist and reported sexual predator, as well as an advocate for Jim Jones, leader of the massacred hundreds in Jonestown, Guyana.
In honoring Milk, schools are advocating for the acceptance of what Milk sought: the entire homosexual, bisexual and cross-dressing agenda; a refusal to acknowledge sexually transmitted diseases spread by the behavior; his behavior as "a sexual predator of teenage boys, most of them runaways with drug problems"; advocacy for multiple sexual relationships at one time; and "lying to get ahead"; according toSaveCalifornia.com,the leading statewide pro-family organization promoting moral virtues for the common good.
A 1982 biography of Milk tells of a 16-year-old named McKinley, who "was looking for some kind of father figure."
"At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him," the book says.
It also states, "It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20s that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life."
The consequences of refusing to accept the state's beliefs about homosexuality can be devastating,SaveCalifornia documents.
Thomasson said in a report that he got an email from a parent whose daughter had objected to attending a "gay straight alliance rally to honor Harvey Milk at Moreno Valley High School."
Said the email, according to Thomasson, "You were right our daughter was told she had to attend a gay straight alliance rally to honor Harvey Milk. … She shared she was a christian with the teacher and only after she saw Lauren was clearly upset about going to this rally did she issue her a hall pass. She was persecuted by another student but made it out of the class. I picked up her and she was very upset. How many other Christians were forced to go to this rally?"
The account from 16-year-old Lauren provided more details, Thomasson reported.
"When she walked into her U.S. History class Monday, May 23, she saw the words 'Gay-Straight Alliance Assembly – Harvey Milk' on the blackboard. Her teacher, obviously a pro-homosexuality agenda sympathizer, told Lauren and every other student walking in to go to the assembly. Lauren protested, but the teacher didn't listen to her at first. Lauren again said she didn't want to go, and finally the teacher exempted her, but only her," he said.
"Lauren got out of that one, but her fellow students were corralled into the brainwashing assembly, like cattle going to slaughter, where the homosexual sponsor of the on-campus Gay-Straight Alliance told them how they must support the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda of Harvey Milk. Later, a Muslim classmate told Lauren she wished she had refused to go to the assembly, too."
The report described how the teacher, several days earlier, had "played several minutes of the R-rated Milk film, which showed two homosexual men in bed together."
"Parents, realize there was NO advance parental notification of this happening or the opportunity to opt out your children. Even more, realize there was no parent permission sought, no opt-in form to sign. No, Harvey Milk sexual indoctrination, and other sexual indoctrination implemented, because of other perverse laws are being done behind parents' backs and despite parents' objections," Thomasson's report said.
WND previously reportedwhat happened to one irate parent who found out about a public school's sexual indoctrination of his children and demanded changes – he spent the night in jail.
David Parker, who brought a case against Estabrook Elementary school in Lexington, Mass., several years ago, eventually ended up withdrawing his children from the school because of the harassment they endured in the dispute.
An appellate court said the indoctrination was appropriate because same-sex "marriages" are legal in Massachusetts following the work of former Gov. Mitt Romney and others, and the refusal of the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene.
That left the school district not only teaching behaviors the Parker family considered immoral but deliberately refusing to tell them when it would be taught, so they could keep their children home.
Parker noted the ruling says teachers "have a constitutional right to coercively indoctrinate little children [into whatever they choose to teach]."
A WND/Wenzel Strategies polljust weeks ago indicated an overwhelming majority of Americans believe elementary school is no place to promote the homosexual lifestyle. Even among liberals there is the strong belief that such lessons should be left outside the door of the classroom.
"Whether they object on moral grounds or simply out of concern that many U.S. schools are failing in their core missions of teaching basics doesn't really matter – the vast majority of American adults want this type of curriculum kept out of the classroom," Wenzel chief Fritz Wenzel said.
The scientific telephone survey was done April 19-21 with a margin of error of 3.23 percentage points. It found that 65 percent of all respondents objected to teaching elementary school children that homosexuality is a "normal alternative lifestyle."
The question was, "Do you believe elementary school children should be taught that homosexuality is a normal alternative lifestyle?"
Only 22 percent said yes, and 13 percent were unsure.
Read more:Campaign warns of danger to kids in schools!http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=370753#ixzz1eohhUKKY
Harvard study: Pasteurized milk from industrial dairies linked to cancer
Monday, February 27, 2012 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
(NaturalNews) The truth has once again shaken the foundation of the 'American Tower of Babel' that is mainstream science, with a new study out of Harvard University showing that pasteurized milk product from factory farms is linked to causing hormone-dependent cancers. It turns out that the concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) model of raising cows on factory farms churns out milk with dangerously high levels of estrone sulfate, an estrogen compound linked to testicular, prostate, and breast cancers.
Dr. Ganmaa Davaasambuu, Ph.D., and her colleagues specifically identified "milk from modern dairy farms" as the culprit, referring to large-scale confinement operations where cows are milked 300 days of the year, including while they are pregnant. Compared to raw milk from her native Mongolia, which is extracted only during the first six months after cows have already given birth, pasteurized factory milk was found to contain up to 33 times more estrone sulfate.
Evaluating data from all over the world, Dr. Davaasambuu and her colleagues identified a clear link between consumption of such high-hormone milk, and high rates of hormone-dependent cancers. In other words, contrary to what the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the conventional milk lobby would have you believe, processed milk from factory farms is not a health product, and is directly implicated in causing cancer.
"The milk we drink today is quite unlike the milk our ancestors were drinking" without apparent harm for 2,000 years, Dr. Davaasambuu is quoted as saying in the Harvard University Gazette. "The milk we drink today may not be nature's perfect food."
Meanwhile, raw, grass-fed, organic milk from cows milked at the proper times is linked to improving digestion, healing autoimmune disorders, and boosting overall immunity, which can help prevent cancer. Though you will never hear any of this from the mainstream media, all milk is not the same -- the way a cow is raised, when it is milked, and how its milk is handled and processed makes all the difference in whether or not the end product promotes health or death.
American government seeks to further perpetuate the lie that all milk is the same with egregious new provisions in 2012 Farm Bill
Of particular concern are new provisions in the 2012 Farm Bill that create even more incentives for farmers to produce the lowest quality, and most health-destroying, type of milk possible. Rather than incentivize grazing cows on pastures, which allows them to feed on grass, a native food that their systems can process, the government would rather incentivize confined factory farming methods that force cows to eat genetically-modified (GM) corn and other feed, which makes them sick.
As it currently stands, the government already provides incentives for farmers to stop pasturing their animals, instead confining them in cages as part of a Total Confinement Dairy Model, aka factory farms. But the 2012 Farm Bill will take this a step further by outlawing "component pricing" for milk, which involves allowing farmers to sell milk with higher protein and butterfat at a higher price.
Allowing farmers to sell higher quality milk at a higher price provides an incentive for them to improve the living conditions on their farms, and milk better cow breeds. But the U.S. government would rather standardize all milk as being the same, and create a system where farmers continue to produce cancer-causing milk from sick cows for the millions of children to drink.
To learn more, visit:
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/035081_pasteurized_milk_cancer_dairy.html#ixzz1o5Bh5pPU
Facebook spies on phone users' text messages, report says
Published February 26, 2012
LONDON – Internet giant Facebook is accessing smartphone users' personal text messages, an investigation revealed Sunday.
Facebook admitted reading text messages belonging to smartphone users who downloaded the social-networking app and said that it was accessing the data as part of a trial to launch its own messaging service, The (London) Sunday Times reported.
A spokesman for Facebook says while nothing has been launched yet, users will be prompted to give permission when the feature debuts.
"The permission is clearly disclosed on the app page in the Android marketplace and is in anticipation of new features that enable users to integrate Facebook features with their texts," a spokesman for Facebook said in a statement. "However, other than some very limited testing, we haven't launched anything yet so we're not using the permission.
Other well-known companies accessing smartphone users' personal data -- such as text messages -- include photo-sharing site Flickr, dating site Badoo and Yahoo Messenger, the paper said.
It claimed that some apps even allow companies to intercept phone calls -- while others, such as YouTube, are capable of remotely accessing and operating users' smartphone cameras to take photographs or videos at any time.
Security app My Remote Lock and the app Tennis Juggling Game were among smaller companies' apps that may intercept users' calls, the paper said.
Emma Draper, of the Privacy International campaign group, said, "Your personal information is a precious commodity, and companies will go to great lengths to get their hands on as much of it as possible."
More than 400,000 apps can be downloaded to Android phones, and more than 500,000 are available for iPhones -- with all apps downloaded from Apple's App Store covered by the same terms and conditions policy.
According to a YouGov poll for the newspaper, 70 percent of smartphone users rarely or never read the terms and conditions policy when they download an app.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/02/26/facebook-spies-on-phone-users-text-messages-report-says/#ixzz1o0iUUpYz
‘Trespass Bill’ Would Violate Peaceful Assembly Rights
New bill passed by Congress makes it a felony to protest or assemble nearby protected government officials
by John Glaser, February 28, 2012
The House of Representatives approved a bill on Monday that outlaws protests or civilian intrusions in any area where government officials are nearby, tearing away at the First Amendment right to peaceably assemble.
The new legislation would make it a federal offense for anyone to protest or assemble without permission on grounds where the Secret Service is protecting a government official or any building or grounds “restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance.”
The language of the bill is incredibly broad and open to the interpretation of prosecutors. Starting with making it illegal to trespass on the grounds of the White House, the grounds or buildings included as off-limits even cover those that the President – or whatever other official protected by the Secret Service – is residing temporarily. It would even include a peaceful protest outside a presidential candidate’s concession speech, for example.
Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) was one of only three in the House to vote against the bill. On his official Facebook account on Tuesday, Rep. Amash wrote, “The bill expands current law to make it a crime to enter or remain in an area where an official is visiting even if the person does not know it’s illegal to be in that area and has no reason to suspect it’s illegal.”
“Some government officials may need extraordinary protection to ensure their safety. But criminalizing legitimate First Amendment activity — even if that activity is annoying to those government officials — violates our rights,” he added.
The bill already passed the Senate on February 6 and has only to be signed by President Obama to become law. The government already has inordinate ability to crush free speech, silence protesters, and arrest civilians peacefully assembling, but this legislation would mark the beginning of the end of the First Amendment.
Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex cop
Wants to import homosexuals with special asylum privileges
Read more:Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex cophttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=375277#ixzz1g7iYsXW3
(NaturalNews) The truth has once again shaken the foundation of the 'American Tower of Babel' that is mainstream science, with a new study out of Harvard University showing that pasteurized milk product from factory farms is linked to causing hormone-dependent cancers. It turns out that the concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) model of raising cows on factory farms churns out milk with dangerously high levels of estrone sulfate, an estrogen compound linked to testicular, prostate, and breast cancers.
Dr. Ganmaa Davaasambuu, Ph.D., and her colleagues specifically identified "milk from modern dairy farms" as the culprit, referring to large-scale confinement operations where cows are milked 300 days of the year, including while they are pregnant. Compared to raw milk from her native Mongolia, which is extracted only during the first six months after cows have already given birth, pasteurized factory milk was found to contain up to 33 times more estrone sulfate. Evaluating data from all over the world, Dr. Davaasambuu and her colleagues identified a clear link between consumption of such high-hormone milk, and high rates of hormone-dependent cancers. In other words, contrary to what the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the conventional milk lobby would have you believe, processed milk from factory farms is not a health product, and is directly implicated in causing cancer. "The milk we drink today is quite unlike the milk our ancestors were drinking" without apparent harm for 2,000 years, Dr. Davaasambuu is quoted as saying in the Harvard University Gazette. "The milk we drink today may not be nature's perfect food." Meanwhile, raw, grass-fed, organic milk from cows milked at the proper times is linked to improving digestion, healing autoimmune disorders, and boosting overall immunity, which can help prevent cancer. Though you will never hear any of this from the mainstream media, all milk is not the same -- the way a cow is raised, when it is milked, and how its milk is handled and processed makes all the difference in whether or not the end product promotes health or death. American government seeks to further perpetuate the lie that all milk is the same with egregious new provisions in 2012 Farm BillOf particular concern are new provisions in the 2012 Farm Bill that create even more incentives for farmers to produce the lowest quality, and most health-destroying, type of milk possible. Rather than incentivize grazing cows on pastures, which allows them to feed on grass, a native food that their systems can process, the government would rather incentivize confined factory farming methods that force cows to eat genetically-modified (GM) corn and other feed, which makes them sick.As it currently stands, the government already provides incentives for farmers to stop pasturing their animals, instead confining them in cages as part of a Total Confinement Dairy Model, aka factory farms. But the 2012 Farm Bill will take this a step further by outlawing "component pricing" for milk, which involves allowing farmers to sell milk with higher protein and butterfat at a higher price. Allowing farmers to sell higher quality milk at a higher price provides an incentive for them to improve the living conditions on their farms, and milk better cow breeds. But the U.S. government would rather standardize all milk as being the same, and create a system where farmers continue to produce cancer-causing milk from sick cows for the millions of children to drink. To learn more, visit: http://www.anh-usa.org/healthy-milk-what-is-it/ |
Facebook spies on phone users' text messages, report says
Published February 26, 2012
LONDON – Internet giant Facebook is accessing smartphone users' personal text messages, an investigation revealed Sunday.
Facebook admitted reading text messages belonging to smartphone users who downloaded the social-networking app and said that it was accessing the data as part of a trial to launch its own messaging service, The (London) Sunday Times reported.
A spokesman for Facebook says while nothing has been launched yet, users will be prompted to give permission when the feature debuts.
"The permission is clearly disclosed on the app page in the Android marketplace and is in anticipation of new features that enable users to integrate Facebook features with their texts," a spokesman for Facebook said in a statement. "However, other than some very limited testing, we haven't launched anything yet so we're not using the permission.
Other well-known companies accessing smartphone users' personal data -- such as text messages -- include photo-sharing site Flickr, dating site Badoo and Yahoo Messenger, the paper said.
It claimed that some apps even allow companies to intercept phone calls -- while others, such as YouTube, are capable of remotely accessing and operating users' smartphone cameras to take photographs or videos at any time.
Security app My Remote Lock and the app Tennis Juggling Game were among smaller companies' apps that may intercept users' calls, the paper said.
Emma Draper, of the Privacy International campaign group, said, "Your personal information is a precious commodity, and companies will go to great lengths to get their hands on as much of it as possible."
More than 400,000 apps can be downloaded to Android phones, and more than 500,000 are available for iPhones -- with all apps downloaded from Apple's App Store covered by the same terms and conditions policy.
According to a YouGov poll for the newspaper, 70 percent of smartphone users rarely or never read the terms and conditions policy when they download an app.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/02/26/facebook-spies-on-phone-users-text-messages-report-says/#ixzz1o0iUUpYz
‘Trespass Bill’ Would Violate Peaceful Assembly Rights
New bill passed by Congress makes it a felony to protest or assemble nearby protected government officials
by John Glaser, February 28, 2012
The House of Representatives approved a bill on Monday that outlaws protests or civilian intrusions in any area where government officials are nearby, tearing away at the First Amendment right to peaceably assemble.
The new legislation would make it a federal offense for anyone to protest or assemble without permission on grounds where the Secret Service is protecting a government official or any building or grounds “restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance.”
The language of the bill is incredibly broad and open to the interpretation of prosecutors. Starting with making it illegal to trespass on the grounds of the White House, the grounds or buildings included as off-limits even cover those that the President – or whatever other official protected by the Secret Service – is residing temporarily. It would even include a peaceful protest outside a presidential candidate’s concession speech, for example.
Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) was one of only three in the House to vote against the bill. On his official Facebook account on Tuesday, Rep. Amash wrote, “The bill expands current law to make it a crime to enter or remain in an area where an official is visiting even if the person does not know it’s illegal to be in that area and has no reason to suspect it’s illegal.”
“Some government officials may need extraordinary protection to ensure their safety. But criminalizing legitimate First Amendment activity — even if that activity is annoying to those government officials — violates our rights,” he added.
The bill already passed the Senate on February 6 and has only to be signed by President Obama to become law. The government already has inordinate ability to crush free speech, silence protesters, and arrest civilians peacefully assembling, but this legislation would mark the beginning of the end of the First Amendment.
The Obama administration has announced it intends to make the United States the global sex cop, with plans to try to intervene in the workings of other nations where homosexuality is not promoted as well as plans to create special provisions for homosexuals and those with other lifestyle choices to gain special admittance to the U.S.
Among the provisions is a specific call for the U.S. government to "enhance" its work to provide services to "LGBT refugees and asylum seekers."
"Who knew when Reagan was talking about being a shining city on the hill the city would turn out to be Sodom," said Peter LaBarbera, president ofAmericans for Truth,an Illinois organization active in revealing the truth of homosexuality.
The White House statementis called the Presidential Memorandum – International Initiatives to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons.
In the introduction to the multi-section document, Obama explains that he's already instructed agencies "engaged abroad" to start "taking action to promote the fundamental human rights of LGBT persons everywhere."
Specifically, his plan is to try to intervene in other nation's where the homosexual lifestyle choice is at risk. That would happen through U.S. government's agencies that would "strengthen existing efforts to effectively combat the criminalization by foreign governments of LGBT status or conduct and to expand efforts to combat discrimination, homophobia, and intolerance on the basis of LGBT status or conduct."
Further, special access to the United States needs to be provided to any "LGBT" person, Obama explains.
"In order to improve protection for LGBT refugees and asylum seekers at all stages of displacement, the Departments of State and Homeland Security shall enhance their ongoing efforts to ensure that LGBT refugees and asylum seekers have equal access to protection and assistance," Obama wrote.
He explained that federal workers must be trained to help LGBT members in their desires.
The enhancements the U.S. offers for those who support the alternative sexual lifestyle choices also means that those agencies helping with foreign aid should step up their involvement with LGBT interests and a special "standing group" should be organized to make sure the U.S. is responding as he wants, Obama said.
Also, the State Department and other agencies "should strengthen the work they have begun and initiate additional efforts in these multilateral fora and organizations to … counter discrimination on the basis of LGBT status; broaden the number of countries willing to support and defend LGBT issues" and other outreaches.
The statement from Obama came just a day after his press secretaryrefused to answer a questionabout the appropriateness of a Senate vote to remove the ban on bestiality from the law that governs the nation's military.
Those who have been involved in the confrontations over the demands for "rights" from homosexual and other groups in America said the move is extraordinarily inappropriate.
"America is not being a post-Christian nation. … We're anti-Christian. We're directly at war with Judeo-Christian ethics," LaBarbera told WND. "Also [at war with] Muslims and the ethics in other countries. We're turning human history on its head."
He said Obama, and his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, literally are "redefining sin."
"In all of the colonies, through our whole history, homosexuality has been forbidden," he said. "Now all of a sudden we're going to be lecturing other countries, forcing other nations to follow the new-fangled version of human rights."
He said regarding Obama press secretary Jay Carney's handling of the question about military bestiality, the very things that have been said about homosexuality and rights could apply to bestiality and rights, or pedophilia and rights, or other alternative lifestyle choices and rights.
"On what basis," he asked, "can we say [pedophilia or bestiality are] beyond the pale?
NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, he noted, used to walk in "gay pride" parades.
"Human rights are rooted in biblical, Judeo-Christianity's idea of rights," LaBarbera said. "This is unbelievable. They are twisting what human rights are. If there's a right to homosexual behavior, why isn't there a right to polygamy, adultery, incest?"
Randy Thomasson ofSaveCalifornia.comhas been involved in his state's fights over the indoctrination of sexual alternatives in public schools as well as the fight over the voter-approved constitutional amendment that defines marriage as being only between one man and one woman.
He said the promotion by Obama and Hillary Clinton of homosexuality simply isn't rooted in the facts.
"Homosexuality has never shown evidence that it is inherited, or has a genetic or biological origin. The 'gay gene' doesn't exist. Race and ethnicity are inherited, but homosexuality is not inherited," he said.
"Obama and Hillary Clinton need to take a science course on human sexuality and genetics and learn what they think is right is scientifically wrong," he said.
He said the classification of homosexuality as a "right" is a "fatal error" that threatens children, accurate science, good health, real marriage, religious freedom, free speech and property rights.
He's assembled information about homosexuality and releases it through his NotBornThisWay website. He contends homosexuality is not genetic, nor is it healthy. His site also includes offers of assistance for those struggling to leave homosexuality.
Matt Barber of Liberty Counseltold WND, "How dare we, the U.S., export our decline in morality to other nations. This president has brought shame upon our nation by using extortion. I use a strong word there, extortion, in an attempt to compel other nations to adopt every demand of the radical homosexual lobby."
He noted the urgency of Obama's concern about homosexuals under fire around the world, yet notes that it is Christian men, women and children who are "slaughtered" daily under anti-Christian regimes.
It was GOP presidential hopeful and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., who said the vote in the Senate to repeal the military's ban on sodomy and bestiality was "absolutely abhorrent."
She made the comments last night on Glenn Beck'sWeb television program.
Les Kinsolving, WND's correspondent at the White House, had asked press secretary Jay Carney, "The Family Research Council and CNS News both reported a 93-to-7 U.S. Senate vote to approve a defense authorization bill that, quote, 'includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on sex with animals, or bestiality.' Does the commander in chief approve or disapprove of bestiality in our armed forces?"
Carney said, "I don't have any comment on – I don't have any comment on that. Let me go to another question."
See the exchange that happened at the White House:
Kinsolving tried to ask whether the president thought it would be endorsed by animal support groups, and Carney said, "Let's get to something more serious."
Read more:Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex cophttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=375277#ixzz1g7hz7W00
Hillary Clinton: ‘Religious Beliefs’ Are ‘Standing in the Way of Protecting Human Rights of LGBT People'
(CNSNews.com) - Religious beliefs and cultural values do not justify the failure to uphold the human rights of homosexuals, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the United Nations in Geneva on Tuesday.
"Now, raising this issue, I know, is sensitive for many people and that the obstacles standing in the way of protecting the human rights of LGBT people rest on deeply held personal, political, cultural, and religious beliefs," Clinton said.
Her speech at the Geneva headquarters of the United Nations and its Human Rights Council (HRC) was delivered ahead of Human Rights Day on December 10, the anniversary of the U.N.’s adoption in 1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
With Syrian abuses having been at the forefront of the Human Rights Council’s attention in recent days and weeks, Clinton’s focus on “LGBT rights” was unexpected, even after President Obama’s signing earlier in the day of a memorandum which the White House called the “first-ever U.S. government strategy dedicated to combating human rights abuses against LGBT persons abroad.” (See story)
Clinton said recognition that LGBT people "are entitled to the full measure of dignity and rights" has evolved over time: "And as it did, we understood that we were honoring rights that people always had, rather than creating new or special rights for them. Like being a woman, like being a racial, religious, tribal, or ethnic minority, being LGBT does not make you less human. And that is why gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights."
Clinton noted that among the challenges facing LGBT people is "when people cite religious or cultural values as a reason to violate or not to protect the human rights of LGBT citizens. This is not unlike the justification offered for violent practices towards women like honor killings, widow burning, or female genital mutilation. Some people still defend those practices as part of a cultural tradition. But violence toward women isn't cultural; it's criminal. Likewise with slavery, what was once justified as sanctioned by God is now properly reviled as an unconscionable violation of human rights," she said.
"In each of these cases, we came to learn that no practice or tradition trumps the human rights that belong to all of us. And this holds true for inflicting violence on LGBT people, criminalizing their status or behavior, expelling them from their families and communities, or tacitly or explicitly accepting their killing.
"Rarely are cultural and religious traditions and teachings actually in conflict with the protection of human rights," Clinton continued. "Indeed, our religion and our culture are sources of compassion and inspiration toward our fellow human beings. It was not only those who’ve justified slavery who leaned on religion, it was also those who sought to abolish it. And let us keep in mind that our commitments to protect the freedom of religion and to defend the dignity of LGBT people emanate from a common source.
“For many of us, religious belief and practice is a vital source of meaning and identity, and fundamental to who we are as people. And likewise, for most of us, the bonds of love and family that we forge are also vital sources of meaning and identity. And caring for others is an expression of what it means to be fully human. It is because the human experience is universal that human rights are universal and cut across all religions and cultures."
According to the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, homosexual acts are punishable by death in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Mauritania, Sudan and Yemen, as well as in parts of Nigeria under shari’a law.
Countries whose laws allow for imprisonment of 10 years or more for homosexuality include Libya, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea and Guyana, it says.
A number of other countries have penalties of prison terms of less than ten years, fines or other restrictions.
‘At war with people of faith’
During a background briefing in Geneva, a senior State Department official was asked about the administration’s view on same-sex marriage in the context of its new policy of promoting LGBT rights worldwide.
President Obama and Clinton have both stated publicly that they oppose same-sex marriage.
“I think the secretary and the president have both spoken about their personal views on marriage,” the official replied. “And I think that one of the things that comes up a lot in the international context is that, as in America, elsewhere there’s a ongoing debate about gay marriage.
“But whatever our position on gay marriage, I think one of the things that many of us have been working toward finding an agreement on is the fact that no matter what you think about that question, we can all agree that people ought not be killed or imprisoned for who they are and who they love,” the official said.
Republican presidential candidates Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Sen. Rick Santorum both criticized the administration’s LGBT announcements.
“Promoting special rights for gays in foreign countries is not in America’s interests and not worth a dime of taxpayers’ money,” Perry said in a statement, adding that the policy was “just the most recent example of an administration at war with people of faith in this country.”
“Obviously the administration is promoting their particular agenda in this country, and now they feel its their obligation to promote those values not just in the military, not just in our society, but now around the world with taxpayer dollars,” CNN quoted Santorum as telling reporters in Iowa
He said Obama must make his stance on same-sex marriage clear.
“He said he’s for traditional marriage, and now he’s promoting gay lifestyles and gay rights and he’s fighting against traditional marriage within the courts, and I think he needs to be honest,” Santorum said.
© 2011 WND
A campaign is urging California parents to protect their children by removing them from school because of the dangers posed by a new law that teaches homosexuality is natural and good.
The campaign bySaveCalifornia.comagainst the law, which is scheduled to be enacted in January, is "working right now to alert fathers and mothers about the harmful values targeting their boys and girls."
"In the face of this clear and present danger, we have the only real solution. With a heart for God and families, we are urging parents to come to grips with reality, then rescue their children from immoral schools," it says.
Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, which also operates theRescueYourChild.comwebsite that provide specifics about the issue, has been expressing alarm over the waves of activism in California's schools regarding homosexuality and other alternative sexual lifestyles for more than a decade.
It was in 1999, he reports, that Gov. Gray Davis signed into law AB 537, which allowed teachers and students to use their school day to proclaim openly and display their homosexuality, bisexuality or transsexuality. Included in that expression of "rights" was the ability of cross-dressing teachers and school workers to access the restroom of their choice.
The proverbial straw that broke the camel's back is SB 48, which was signed into law this year by Gov. Jerry Brown. It mandates that all children from kindergarten through 12th grade in all "instruction in social sciences" be taught to admire "the role and contributions … of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans."
The law requires that supplemental materials must start to reflect the political persuasion that only positive reflections of homosexuality and the like are allowed.
"Children as young as 6 years old will be taught to admire homosexuality, same-sex 'marriages,' bisexuality and transsexuality (cross-dressing and 'sex change' operations)," the campaign warns.
Children also will be taught to support the political activism of so-called "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning" (LGBTIQ) political groups, as the bill requires "particular emphasis on portraying the role of these groups in contemporary society."
The texts also will be mandated to portray homosexuality in a positive light, because remaining silent on the issue could be perceived as "reflecting adversely," the campaign notes.
And parents will neither be notified of the teaching requirements nor allowed to opt their children out of such indoctrination, Thomasson's campaign explains.
The new law's impact is approaching even as the Los Angeles Times is reporting that a 14-year-old boy will be jailed until he is 38 for shooting a self-identified homosexual classmate. The shooting victim's mother had asked school officials to help her tone down her son's behavior. But she was told her son had a civil right to explore his sexuality.
"I knew, gut instinct, that something serious was going to happen," she said. "They should have contained him, contained his behavior."
The report said students and teachers at the trial testified that Larry King, the shooting victim, had been cross-dressing and wearing makeup, and was flirting with male students on campus who did not want the attention.
One message from the campaign is a rotating banner posted online, with the message:
Thomasson points out that SB 48 is just the latest California law "mandating the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda – as well as heterosexual fornication – in every government school in California without exceptions, and without parental exemption."
The mandates have come even while "three out of four 4th graders in California government schools cannot read proficiently."
SB48 was pushed through the Democrat-controlled state legislature..
Previous moves were made through:
- SB 543, signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2010, "allows school staff to remove children ages 12 and up from government schools and taken off-campus for counseling sessions, without parental permission or involvement. The purpose is to permit pro-homosexuality teachers and administrators to remove sexually confused children in 6th grade and up from campus and take them to pro-homosexuality counselors who will encourage them to embrace the homosexual lifestyle."
- ACR 82, approved by the California Legislature in 2010, "creates de facto 'morality-free zones' at participating schools (pre-kindergarten through public universities). Schools that become official 'Discrimination-Free Zones' will 'enact procedures' (including mandatory counseling) against students from pre-kindergarten on up who are accused of 'hate,' 'intolerance,' or 'discrimination'." What is the hate? Peacefully speaking or writing against the unnatural lifestyles choices of homosexuality and bisexuality.
- SB 572, signed by Schwarzenegger in 2009, establishes "Harvey Milk Day" in K-12 California public schools and community colleges. In classrooms, schools and school districts that participate, children will now be taught to admire the life and values of late homosexual activist and teen predator Harvey Milk of San Francisco the month of May.
- SB 777, signed by Schwarzenegger in 2007, prohibits all public school instruction and every school activity from "promoting a discriminatory bias" against (effectively requiring positive depictions of) transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality to schoolchildren as young as five years old. SB 777 means children will be taught their "gender" is a matter of choice.
- AB 394, signed by Schwarzenegger in 2007, effectively promotes transsexual, bisexual and homosexual indoctrination of students, parents and teachers via "anti-harassment" and "anti-discrimination" materials, to be publicized in classrooms and assemblies, posted on walls, incorporated into curricula on school websites, and distributed in handouts to take home.
- SB 71, signed by Gov. Gray Davis in 2003 and implemented in 2008 through the new "sexual health" standards approved by appointees of Schwarzenegger and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell, teaches children as young as 5th grade that any consensual sexual behavior is "safe" as long as you "protect" yourself with a condom, and teaches children that homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality is "normal."
- AB 1785, signed by Davis in 2000, required the California State Board of Education to alter the state curriculum frameworks to include and require "human relations education" for children in K-12 public schools, with the aim of "fostering an appreciation of the diversity of California’s population and discouraging the development of discriminatory attitudes and practices," according to the state legislative counsel's digest.
- AB 537, signed by Davis in 1999, permits teachers and students to openly proclaim and display their homosexuality, bisexuality or transsexuality, even permitting cross-dressing teachers, school employees and student on campus, in classrooms, and in restrooms.
The campaign recommends homeschooling or private schools – preferably church schools. Does it cost? Yes, but it says that with anything in life, there is a cost.
"There's a battle for your child, Whoever fights harder will win," Thomasson said.
SB48 takes the state even a step beyondits demand that students in public schools every year honor Harvey Milk,a homosexual activist and reported sexual predator, as well as an advocate for Jim Jones, leader of the massacred hundreds in Jonestown, Guyana.
In honoring Milk, schools are advocating for the acceptance of what Milk sought: the entire homosexual, bisexual and cross-dressing agenda; a refusal to acknowledge sexually transmitted diseases spread by the behavior; his behavior as "a sexual predator of teenage boys, most of them runaways with drug problems"; advocacy for multiple sexual relationships at one time; and "lying to get ahead"; according toSaveCalifornia.com,the leading statewide pro-family organization promoting moral virtues for the common good.
A 1982 biography of Milk tells of a 16-year-old named McKinley, who "was looking for some kind of father figure."
"At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him," the book says.
It also states, "It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20s that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life."
The consequences of refusing to accept the state's beliefs about homosexuality can be devastating,SaveCalifornia documents.
Thomasson said in a report that he got an email from a parent whose daughter had objected to attending a "gay straight alliance rally to honor Harvey Milk at Moreno Valley High School."
Said the email, according to Thomasson, "You were right our daughter was told she had to attend a gay straight alliance rally to honor Harvey Milk. … She shared she was a christian with the teacher and only after she saw Lauren was clearly upset about going to this rally did she issue her a hall pass. She was persecuted by another student but made it out of the class. I picked up her and she was very upset. How many other Christians were forced to go to this rally?"
The account from 16-year-old Lauren provided more details, Thomasson reported.
"When she walked into her U.S. History class Monday, May 23, she saw the words 'Gay-Straight Alliance Assembly – Harvey Milk' on the blackboard. Her teacher, obviously a pro-homosexuality agenda sympathizer, told Lauren and every other student walking in to go to the assembly. Lauren protested, but the teacher didn't listen to her at first. Lauren again said she didn't want to go, and finally the teacher exempted her, but only her," he said.
"Lauren got out of that one, but her fellow students were corralled into the brainwashing assembly, like cattle going to slaughter, where the homosexual sponsor of the on-campus Gay-Straight Alliance told them how they must support the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda of Harvey Milk. Later, a Muslim classmate told Lauren she wished she had refused to go to the assembly, too."
The report described how the teacher, several days earlier, had "played several minutes of the R-rated Milk film, which showed two homosexual men in bed together."
"Parents, realize there was NO advance parental notification of this happening or the opportunity to opt out your children. Even more, realize there was no parent permission sought, no opt-in form to sign. No, Harvey Milk sexual indoctrination, and other sexual indoctrination implemented, because of other perverse laws are being done behind parents' backs and despite parents' objections," Thomasson's report said.
WND previously reportedwhat happened to one irate parent who found out about a public school's sexual indoctrination of his children and demanded changes – he spent the night in jail.
David Parker, who brought a case against Estabrook Elementary school in Lexington, Mass., several years ago, eventually ended up withdrawing his children from the school because of the harassment they endured in the dispute.
An appellate court said the indoctrination was appropriate because same-sex "marriages" are legal in Massachusetts following the work of former Gov. Mitt Romney and others, and the refusal of the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene.
That left the school district not only teaching behaviors the Parker family considered immoral but deliberately refusing to tell them when it would be taught, so they could keep their children home.
Parker noted the ruling says teachers "have a constitutional right to coercively indoctrinate little children [into whatever they choose to teach]."
A WND/Wenzel Strategies polljust weeks ago indicated an overwhelming majority of Americans believe elementary school is no place to promote the homosexual lifestyle. Even among liberals there is the strong belief that such lessons should be left outside the door of the classroom.
"Whether they object on moral grounds or simply out of concern that many U.S. schools are failing in their core missions of teaching basics doesn't really matter – the vast majority of American adults want this type of curriculum kept out of the classroom," Wenzel chief Fritz Wenzel said.
The scientific telephone survey was done April 19-21 with a margin of error of 3.23 percentage points. It found that 65 percent of all respondents objected to teaching elementary school children that homosexuality is a "normal alternative lifestyle."
The question was, "Do you believe elementary school children should be taught that homosexuality is a normal alternative lifestyle?"
Only 22 percent said yes, and 13 percent were unsure.
Attention Black Friday Shoppers: You Will Be Tracked
Activist Post
The busiest shopping day of the year is set for a new level of consumer exploitation at two American malls.
A notice appearing at Promenade Temecula in California, and Short Pump Town Center in Richmond, Va. will advise shoppers that their cell phone signal will be used to track them as they move from store to store.
Although the system that is being employed claims it is guaranteed not to collect personal data, and people can opt-out by turning off their phone, we have heard this all before when justifying why it is OK to track, trace, and database the movements of everyday citizens.
According to a CNN report:
"The goal is for stores to answer questions like: How many Nordstrom shoppers also stop at Starbucks? How long do most customers linger in Victoria's Secret? Are there unpopular spots in the mall that aren't being visited?"This is supposedly being done, of course, to identify which stores and items people desire most, thus enhancing the shopping experience for store customers. This is the very same reason that was presented to encourage people to sign-up for "loyalty cards" and "frequent-shopper" cards. However, as we have come to find out, these systems of convenient shopping are more accurately described as data collection systems that can be used to profile people's shopping habits, their physical movement, as well as for other uses far beyond the scope of the shopping experience.
This overall database of collected information has been used in numerous cases by law enforcement to establish the time and place of potential suspects, which has sometimes causedinnocent people to be caught in the dragnet as a result of ordinary purchases that may suddenly look suspicious to law enforcement mining the data.
We know that there has already been a push by Federal agencies to employ warrantless cell phone tracking, so we can't reasonably expect the validity of reassurances by mall management that the system, "doesn't collect any personal details associated with the ID, like the user's name or phone number. That information is fiercely protected by mobile carriers, and often can be legally obtained only through a court order." An article by Declan McCullagh at CNET News states more accurately the following:
Whether state and federal police have been paying attention to Hollywood, or whether it was the other way around, cell phone tracking has become a regular feature in criminal investigations. It comes in two forms: police obtaining retrospective data kept by mobile providers for their own billing purposes that may not be very detailed, orprospective data that reveals the minute-by-minute location of a handset or mobile device.
Obtaining location details is now 'commonplace,' says Al Gidari, a partner in the Seattle offices of Perkins Coie who represents wireless carriers. 'It's in every pen register order these days.' (source)The Federal government is also fighting a recent Texas ruling declaring warrantless wiretapping to be a violation of the Fourth Amendment. So these are supposedly the "protectors" to whom we should surrender our data.
And in case one believes that store management really holds the customer in the highest regard and cares deeply for their shopping experience, the following quote should reverse that thought immediately. Vice president of digital strategy for the management group of both malls, Stephanie Shriver-Engdahl, makes it quite clear how her group views shoppers:
The system monitors patterns of movement. We can see, like migrating birds, where people are going to.The specific technology is called FootPathTM and utilizes data collection and mapping to chart physical movements and behavior patterns, offering a service to mall management that promises to help them make more accurate business decisions (demo here). Again, this is one of the principal reasons given by the providers of customer loyalty cards.
As an aside, the U.K-based company that developed this technology -- Path Intelligence -- also employs tracking within transportation systems such as airports and trains, even going as far as determining "What nationalities are the passengers passing through the transportation hub?"
None of this technology is necessarily bad in-and-of itself, but time and again we have seen its dual-use capabilities being exploited by law enforcement and government agencies which has resulted in innocent people being subjected to the data dragnet.
Whether knowingly, or unknowingly, the companies that offer this technology -- and the establishments that implement it -- are aiding and abetting the eradication of privacy, as well as the manipulation of human decision making.
And this is what it is really about: total surveillance being used to predict behavior in order to enrich and empower those who own the technology, and to disempower the individuals on the receiving end. It is merely one more data point in the overall matrix of information used by corporate-government groups to reduce human beings to numbers.
This cell phone tracking program, running from Black Friday to New Year's day, is clearly a test run for a system that will be rolled out on a much wider scale in the months and years to come if we don't oppose it from the outset. We must resist by reconnecting with our local communities and shun any store or institution that views its customers as traveling information sources, or a time will come when we won't even be notified that we are permitted to opt-out.
If you would like to voice your outrage over this tracking program, please contact the management company for both malls, Forest City Commercial Management, by clicking the home office indicated by a star on the map HERE.
You may also want to contact any of the stores that reside within these two malls to tell them you refuse to shop at their store while you are being surveiled. Pressure on individual stores might ultimately be more effective, as they will undoubtedly complain to management for the loss in sales due to the policy of management. Management tends to listen well to those who are paying the rent.
Pope hopes for success at G20 summit
Pope hope G20 summit on financial crisis helps overcome hurdles to promoting development
VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Benedict XVI says he is hoping for success at this week's G-20 summit on the global economic crisis.Benedict told the faithful at the end of his weekly audience at theVatican on Wednesday that he hopes the meeting in Cannes, France, will help promote what he called "authentically human and integral development."The Vatican called last week for radical reform of the world's financial systems, including the creation of a global political authority to manage the economy.The Cannes meeting is seen as Europe's chance to explain to the world that it has made the tough decisions necessary to bring its debt crisis under control.
Obama adviser urges 'militancy' in Occupy protests
Read more:Obama adviser urges 'militancy' in nationwide Occupy protestshttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=363693#ixzz1cqmu1UIw
Obama adviser urges 'militancy' in Occupy protests
NEW YORK – Three days before an Occupy Oakland protest turned violent, United Steelworkers international president Leo Gerard, an adviser to President Obama, called for "more militancy" in Occupy movements across the U.S.
Gerard serves on the board of a number of groups funded by billionaire George Soros, including organizations that reportedly helped to craft Obama's "stimulus" and health-care laws.
In an interview with progressive radio host Ed Schultz on Monday, Gerard stated, "I think what we need is, we need more militancy."
"I think we've got to start a resistance movement. If Wall Street occupation doesn't get the message, I think we've got to start blocking bridges and doing that kind of stuff," stated Gerard, according to atranscript provided by Newsbusters.org.
AsWND was first to report, the tactic of blocking bridges, already used by Occupy Wall Street to hold up the Brooklyn Bridge last month, was institutionalized by Stephen Lerner, a controversial anti-capitalist SEIU organizer.
Lerner has visited the White House four times, while his former boss, Andy Stern, SEIU's recently retired president, was the most frequent White House visitor in 2009, according to presidential visitors logs. Obama himself once trained SEIU in the 1990s.
Gerard has a history of direct-action protests. During the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle that turned violent, Gerard and United Steelworkers Vice President Tom Conway were caught on film dragging two large concrete planters into an intersection near the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in an attempt to help protesters block access to the WTO meetings.
A WND review of Gerard's rhetoric during the past year finds scores of statements implying an Occupy onslaught against U.S. capitalism.
In February 2010, the People's Weekly World, the official newspaper of the Communist Party USA,quoted Gerard and another United Steelworkers leader, Fred Redmond, as stating, "It's time to stand up and be heard," they said. "It's time to mobilize online and in the streets. Together, let's tweet, facebook and text. Let's rally, vote and, where necessary, sit-in.
"In anAugust posting on the Firedoglake website, Gerard calling for an "uprising of hope and anger. There's plenty of anger out there."
He went on to quote Frances Fox Piven, writing that the radical professor "counsels in her book ... that hope is crucial, that constructive change arises from the mix of hope and anger."
Pivin, a member of the Progressives for Obama group, is co-author of the Cloward–Piven strategy, which calls for overloading the U.S. economy to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of "a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty."
Gerard, meanwhile, was appointed in September 2010 to Obama's Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations.
He also serves as a vice president of the AFL-CIO, the nation's largest union.
Gerard further serves as co-chairman of the BlueGreen Alliance, whose partner is the Apollo Alliance. Gerard is also an Apollo board member.
The Apollo Alliance is run by a slew of radicals, including Obama's former "green jobs" czar, Van Jones; Jeff Jones, who heads Apollo's New York branch and is a former top leader of the Weather Underground terrorist organization; and Joel Rogers, a founder of the socialist New Party.
WND previously reported Apollo helped to craft portions of Obama's "stimulus" bill.
Gerard is also on the board of two major Soros-funded groups, the Campaign for America's Future and the Economic Policy Institute.
WND reported last weekHealth Care for America, the centerpiece of the Economic Policy Institute's Agenda for Shared Prosperity, is the foundation for Obama's health-care plan.
With research by Brenda J. Elliott
Read more:Obama adviser urges 'militancy' in nationwide Occupy protestshttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=363693#ixzz1cqmu1UIw
Facebook tracks your every move, even after logging out
(NaturalNews) The social media empire Facebook has unveiled some new "features" on its platform in recent days that many allege are a total and compete privacy-breaching nightmare. But one hidden feature, discovered by Nik Cubrilovic, an Australian entrepreneur and writer, that few people are aware of is the fact that Facebook now monitors your online activity, even when you are not logged in to the service.
With each new change Facebook makes, users' privacy becomes a little less ... nonexistent, if you will. The most recent "News Feed" modifications, for example, display everything you say and do on the site to all of your "friends," and even to the public. And now, even after logging out of Facebook, permanent "cookies" track all your movements on websites that contain Facebook buttons or widgets.
"Even if you are logged out, Facebook still knows and can track every page you visit," Cubrilovic wrote on a recent blog posting. "The only solution is to delete every Facebook cookie in your browser, or to use a separate browser for Facebook interactions" (http://nikcub-static.appspot.com/lo...).
But how many Facebook users will actually know to do this? The site has never announced to its users that it is even tracking them in the first place, let alone given them any instructions on how to "opt-out" of this egregious invasion of privacy.
Facebook, of course, has become infamous for simply changing its site setup, including privacy settings, and leaving it up to users to figure out how to contain their breached information after the fact. It has switched from an "opt-in" approach, where users used to be given the option to "upgrade" to new features, to a much more complicated "opt-out" approach, where Facebook makes drastic changes and leaves it up to users to somehow figure out how to change things back to the way they were (if such an option is even still possible).
"While initially opt-in, the default then seems to be expose everything," says David Vaile, executive director of the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, concerning Facebook's "breathtaking and audacious grab for whole life data."
"Facebook, once again, are (sic) doing things that are beyond most users' capacity to understand while reducing their privacy ... the default setting for any site should be 'reveal nothing about me unless I make a specific choice otherwise.'"
Sources for this article include:
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/033713_Facebook_tracking.html#ixzz1c8g5pDst
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