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firstly let a list be made of what some would call counter-statements. In reality they are not and cannot be counter-statements for there is...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Futurism and Preterism?

The Reformers of the sixteenth century, including Martin Luther, Melanchthon, Ulric Zwingli, John
Calvin, Menno Simons, and their associates declared that the papacy was the antichrist of Bible prophecy.
Prior to that time, Rome had tried to destroy copies of the Scriptures, so the truths of Daniel and
Revelation would not be discovered. But, with the invention of printing, the circulation of Bibles, and the
preaching of the Reformers-something had to be done!

In response to Luther's anti-papal protest, two Catholic theologians, Prierias and Eck, declared the
Catholic Church to be the fifth (the stone) kingdom portrayed in Daniel 2. A very proud boast from the
little horn.

The chapters which point to Rome-But what could they do about the prophecies which pointed
directly to Rome as the antichrist power? In the book of Daniel, it was chapters 7, 8, and 9 which identified
when Rome would arise as an international power. It was those three chapters which unmasked its vicious
attempts to destroy the law of God and slay His people.

Sunday, the basis of papal authority-From AD. 1545-1563, the Council of Trent met intermittently
to devise ways to annihilate Protestantism, either by direct warfare or by infiltration. Its earlier change of
the Sabbath to Sunday was declared to be the foundation of its doctrine of Tradition (the words of men) as
superior to Scripture (see the present author's book, Beyond Pitcairn, pp. 132-135, which explains what
happened on January 18, 1562). In addition, the Jesuits were assigned the task of infiltrating palaces,
schools, and Protestant churches. Jesuit theologians were given the task of reinterpreting Bible prophecies
which pointed to the papacy.

Ribera's Futurism-Two Jesuits were especially successful in this latter task. The first was Francisco
Ribera, who in 1537-1541, developed what we today call Futurism. He declared that the prophecies of
Daniel and Revelation would not be fulfilled until the very last days when, for 2300 literal days or about 7
years, an antichrist would appear. It was theorized that, at that time, a Jewish temple would be rebuilt in old
Jerusalem. (In reality, the Muslims will never permit such a temple to be built on the Temple Mount.)
Samuel Maitland, William Burgh, John Darby, James Todd, and John Henry Newman were later
leading Protestant theologians which infiltrated Jesuits used to spread this error throughout modern
Protestantism. The Plymouth Brethren, the High Church Oxford Movement in the Anglican Church, and
the Scofield Bible especially helped in this work.

A variant of this futurism was the development of dispensationalism, one form of which pushes many
of the prophecies to the last days, to be fulfilled by the Jewish people.
Alcazar's Preterism-Another Jesuit, Luis de Alcazar (1554-1613) developed the opposite position,
known as Preterism. This is the teaching that the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation were fulfilled in
ancient times by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Nero, and/or pagan Rome.

Hugo Grotius, of Holland, and Hammond, of England, helped further this error. Anti-Christian,
German rationalists heavily endorsed it. This included J.C. Eichhorn, G.H.A. Ewald, G.C.F. Lucke,
W.M.L. De Wette, Franz Delitzsch, and Julius Wellhausen. Since 1830, many British and American Bible
teachers have taught it to their students.

The true belief-In contrast, it should be mentioned that many faithful Christian Bible scholars held
that Rome was the antichrist of Daniel and Revelation. This included all the Reformers and, later, such men
as Manuel de Lacunza and Joseph Wolff (both mentioned in Great Controversy), Sir Isaac Newton, Adam
Clarke, Henry Drummond, and Edward Irving.

Ignatius Loyola founded the so-called "Society of Jesus" (the Jesuits) in 1534. Approved by Paul III in
1540, it immediately set to work to either destroy Protestantism or dilute its teachings, when assassination
and warfare were not feasible. For over 450 years, its agents (brilliant men selected for their tenacity) have
infiltrated governments, schools, and churches. These men gradually rose to higher positions as additional
agents were hired into the ranks.

Vance Ferrell (A Biblical Defense Defending our Historic Beliefs about the Sanctuary in Daniel and Hebrews)

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