Satan has deceived millions into believing that God is very cruel and needs to be appeased. He has sought to blacken the minds of many through subtle deceptions and unfortunately many sincere believers have accepted his claims.
One special point of victory has been the thought that the bible should be read and understood from a human or humanistic perspective. That is, what ever theory one proposes should be accepted by the majority without question.
Therefore multitudes accept the idea that God is a brutal killer or at least a vengeful killer whose idea is love me, obey me or I will kill you. Theologies of the atonement are filled with this concept like the penal substitution theory which asserts that Jesus died to assuage the anger of the Father in man's place. Or the Forensic view which states that God declares a person righteous in the sense that they are not made righteous but their sins are not contend against them by the atoning work of Christ and they are in harmony with the law.
Underlying these and many other theories is the idea that God's anger and hatred for sin finds expression in the destruction of His creatures or His Eternal Son. Is this the Kind of God that you would serve, love and admire?
What about the picture Our Saviour painted? A God who was quick to forgive, extend mercy and bless.
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